Is Your Marketing Output Lacking?

Kirsty Nelms from Peacock Digital Marketing made the most of one of our conference suites to host a free workshop for Staffordshire businesses via Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce.

The workshop was designed to help business owners develop a clear marketing strategy.

Generally, the reason some marketing efforts fail is because there is no strategy or research behind the output. It’s not enough to churn out sales-related content on social media, have a company website or run a Google Ads campaign – you need to know the WHY.

The event was very well-received and you can find out more about Peacock Digital Marketing and read some expert marketing tips on Kirsty’s website.

One particularly useful how-to-article goes over how to set up a Google My Business account. We have so many businesses visit us here at the conference centre who don't have GMB set up or utilise it well, so this is very useful.


The Importance of Collaboration in Business Growth


Collaboration, Creativity & Coffee